Tip For Morning Routine- A morning routine sets the course for a good day : consciously designed, it provides more concentration, energy, and happiness. This also works if you can only spend a little time.

Her alarm clock is going off for the tenth time, and since she doesn’t have another five minutes left, she sleepily taps into the shower, makes a quick coffee, and takes the next subway with a takeaway cup in hand just in time. And even though you got enough sleep, you crawl through the day, do a little bit of everything, but get nothing baked.

Morning Routine: Simple Methods That Make A Big Difference

Tips For Morning Routine

The most important thing about the morning routine: it must be motivating, feasible and useful. The correct morning routine can help avoid similar or similar scenarios. If we focus our day in the morning, we make it more aware, relaxed and productive, and this ultimately improves our quality of life and health. The same does not work for everyone. We’ve put together some tips and ideas to help you find your own personal morning routine.

1. Get Enough Sleep Is One Of The Tip Morning Routine

A successful morning dull starts the night before: going to bed on time. Only those who get adequate sleep are fit and useful the next day. An adult person needs between seven and nine hours for this.

Regular times for getting up and sleeping can help you found a natural sleep rhythm. The very best way I tofind how abundant sleep you need. Even on weekends, you must get up and go to bed at about the same time, so your body doesn’t have to change each time because daas causes stress and impairs restful sleep.

2. Morning Routine: The Snooze Button Is Not One Of Them Is One Of The Tip Morning Routine

Experience has shown that you press a few more times if you press once. However, it is recommended not to use the snooze function for a functional morning routine.

Constantly waking up and continuing to sleep disrupts the circadian rhythm. In German, this means that the brain no longer knows whether to be awake or tired. This can lead to persistent fatigue throughout the day.

Just like in sports, a runner only starts training after warming up. Instead, it’s best to start stretching long after the first buzz. This signals to your body that the day is about to begin.

3. Stay Unplugged During Your Morning Routine Is One Of The Tip Morning Routine

The first grab in the morning usually goes to the smartphone. It makes more sense to leave your mobile phone, laptop or TV behind for the time being. After all, your morning routine should only be about your healthy body, as Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram, and co. are more likely to distract you. It is useful to activate the flight mode on the mobile phone at night or simply turn it off completely.

Also, you can set a time to check your emails, messages and news. Before that, the mobile phone is taboo. Also, read our article: The smartphone diet: how it works and what it brings.

4. Before Eating Anything: Brush Your Teeth Is One Of The Tip Morning Routine

Always remember Brush your teeth before you eat or drink anything and rinse after eating. According to the old-style Indian healing method Ayurveda, the body is freed overnight from poisons, which it carries through the mouth. If you drink the pot immediately after waking up, you will expel these toxins directly into the body.

5. Drink Water

After brushing your teeth, wait about half an hour and drink a large glass of warm water. After six to eight hours of sleep, then your body develops dry and needs supplies. A good percentage of water makes your body wake up and shape.


Our body can do a lot: for example, recognize when it is day and night if it weren’t for curtains, blinds, lamps and screens. The sleep hormone melatonin  release in the dark, making us tired. Therefore, immediately after getting up, open all the curtains and blinds and let the light into the room. If it’s still dark outdoor in the morning, a daylight lamp** or light alarm clock** can help.

7. Create A Beautiful Environment For Your Morning Routine Is One Of The Tip Morning Routine

For many people, the immediate environment affects their inner life. So make sure your sleeping environment is clean and that you feel comfortable in it. This calms you during your morning routine and avoids stimuli and thoughts that revolve around the order.