
PM-Kisan Status Check is an initiative by the Government of India to offer financial support to small and marginal farmers nationwide. Under this scheme, eligible farmers receive direct income support of Rs. 6,000 annually in three equal installments.

PM Kisan Status


Procedure to check the PM Kisan Status

To check the status of PM-Kisan payments in 2023, you can follow these steps:

  • Visit the official website of PM-Kisan: Go to the PM-Kisan website by typing “” in your web browser’s address bar.
  • Navigate to the “Farmers Corner”: On the homepage, you will find a section titled “Farmers Corner.” Click on it to access the relevant features for farmers.
  • Select “Beneficiary Status”: You will find various options within the Farmers Corner section. Look for “Beneficiary Status” or a similar opportunity and click on it.
  • Choose the preferred method: On the Beneficiary Status page, you may have the option to check your status using the following methods: Aadhaar number, bank account number, or mobile number. Select the way you find most convenient.
  • Enter the required information: You must enter the corresponding details depending on your chosen method. For example, if you selected an Aadhaar number, enter your Aadhaar number in the provided field. If you choose bank account number, enter your bank account number, and so on.
  • Submit the information: After entering the necessary details, click the “Submit” or “Check Status” button to proceed.
  • View your PM-Kisan status: Once you submit the information, the website will display the status of your PM-Kisan payments for 2023. It will show whether the charges have been credited to your bank account or are still pending.
  • Note: The exact steps and options may vary slightly, so it’s recommended to refer to the official PM-Kisan website for the most up-to-date information and instructions.

By following these steps, you can simply check the status of your PM-Kisan payments for the year 2023 and stay updated on the financial support provided by the government.

Understanding the PM Kisan Scheme

Understanding the PM Kisan Scheme

The PM Kisan Scheme, also known as the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana, is a government initiative in India to provide income support to small and marginal farmers nationwide. The scheme was thrown in February 2019 and is managed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare.

Here are some key points to understand the PM Kisan Scheme:

  1. Objective: The primary purpose of the PM Kisan Scheme is to provide financial assistance to small and marginal farmers to support their agricultural activities and ensure a steady income flow.
  2. Eligibility: Under the scheme, landholding farmer families with cultivable land are eligible to receive the benefits. The project covers both rural and urban landholding farmers. However, institutional landholders, such as government employees, retired pensioners, and individuals paying income tax, are not eligible.
  3. Financial Assistance: The scheme provides direct income support of Rs. 6,000 annually to eligible farmers. This amount is transferred directly to the bank financial records of the beneficiaries in three equal installments of Rs. 2,000 each, typically in April, August, and December.
  4. Identification and Registration: The state and union territory governments are responsible for identifying and registering eligible farmer-beneficiaries. The application process usually involves submitting required documents such as land ownership records, bank account details, and Aadhaar card information.
  5. Implementation: The scheme is implemented through the Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) system, which ensures that the financial assistance reaches the beneficiaries directly without intermediaries. This helps in reducing leakages and ensuring transparency in the disbursement process.
  6. Funding: The funding for the PM Kisan Scheme comes from the central government. The scheme has a budgetary allocation for supporting eligible farmers nationwide.
  7. Other Benefits: Besides the financial assistance, the PM Kisan Scheme also aims to enhance the overall welfare of farmers. It facilitates access to various government welfare schemes, agricultural services, and resources like loans, crop insurance, and pension schemes.

It’s important to note that the PM Kisan Scheme is subject to any changes or updates made by the government. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, it is advisable to refer to official government sources or contact the concerned authorities responsible for implementing the scheme.

Eligibility Criteria for PM Kisan Scheme

Eligibility Criteria for PM Kisan Scheme

As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, the eligibility criteria for the PM Kisan Scheme in India are as follows:

  1. Land Ownership: The farmer must be the owner of cultivable land. Tenant farmers, sharecroppers, and farmers cultivating on lease are also eligible, provided they have proper documents to support their claim.
  2. Land Size: The cultivable landholding of the farmer should be up to 2 hectares (5 acres). However, the scheme has made some exceptions for certain categories of farmers, such as scheduled caste/scheduled tribe (SC/ST) farmers, who are eligible irrespective of the landholding size.
  3. Institutional Landholders: Farmers who are serving in any government office or hold constitutional positions are not eligible for the scheme. Additionally, farmers who are retired government employees receiving a pension above a certain threshold are also excluded.
  4. Income Criteria: The scheme targets small and marginal farmers with limited income sources. Therefore, farmers with an annual income exceeding a specified limit, which the government decides, are not eligible.
  5. Exclusions: Certain categories of individuals are excluded from the scheme, including institutional landholders, farmers who pay income tax, professionals such as doctors, engineers, and lawyers who earn a significant income, and retired pensioners with a higher pension.
  6. It is important to note that the specific eligibility criteria may vary from state to state, as the implementation of the PM Kisan Scheme is done by individual state governments as well. Therefore, it is advisable to check with the local authorities or the official website of the PM Kisan Scheme for the most up-to-date and accurate eligibility information.

Benefits of the PM Kisan Scheme

The PM Kisan Scheme, initiated by the Government of India, provides income support to small and marginal farmers nationwide. Here are some of the benefits of the PM Kisan Scheme:

  1. Financial support: Under the PM Kisan Scheme, eligible farmers receive direct income support of Rs. 6,000 yearly in three equal installments of Rs. 2,000 each. This financial assistance helps farmers meet their agricultural expenses, purchase inputs, and improve their overall economic condition.
  2. Increased agricultural productivity: The scheme aims to enhance agricultural productivity by ensuring farmers’ timely availability of financial resources. The income support enables farmers to invest in better-quality seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, and modern farming equipment, leading to improved agricultural practices and higher crop yields.
  3. Poverty reduction: The PM Kisan Scheme is crucial in reducing poverty in rural areas by providing income support to small and marginal farmers. It benefits farmers with limited resources who are often vulnerable to economic uncertainties and natural calamities.

Additional Benefits of Kisan Scheme

  1. Inclusion of marginalized farmers: The scheme particularly focuses on including small and marginal farmers who may not have access to formal credit or financial institutions. It aims to bring them into the mainstream economy by providing direct financial assistance, ensuring their participation in the growth and development of the agricultural sector.
  2. Simplified implementation: The PM Kisan Scheme has simplified the process of providing financial assistance to farmers. The government has developed an online portal where farmers can easily register and update their information. This helps in the efficient and transparent implementation of the scheme, reducing corruption and ensuring that the benefits reach the intended beneficiaries.
  3. Rural economy stimulus: The income support provided by the scheme positively multiplies the rural economy. As farmers receive financial assistance, they tend to spend it on various goods and services within their local communities. This increased spending stimulates demand, supports local businesses, and generates employment opportunities in rural areas.
  4. Improved farmer welfare: The PM Kisan Scheme contributes to the overall interest of farmers by addressing their immediate financial needs. And also it provides a safety net during agricultural distress and helps farmers cope with various challenges. such as input costs, debt repayment, and crop failures. By reducing financial stress, it promotes the mental well-being of farmers.
  5. Social security for farmers: However, the scheme serves as a form of social security for farmers. By providing a reliable and regular source of income support. It aims to bring stability and predictability to their lives. By ensuring they receive financial assistance irrespective of external factors affecting their agricultural activities.


The PM Kisan Scheme has several benefits for small and marginal farmers. Hence, including increased income, improved agricultural practices, poverty reduction, simplified implementation, rural economic stimulus, enhanced farmer welfare, and social security.